Puzzles that react to your sight! 


Use W, A, S, D to move. To look left and right, use J, L or left & right arrow keys. If you get stuck somewhere (or fall off) use R to reset the level. In later levels, press E to place your observer rune. 

Game Design Document

Created by:

Carson Reader: Programming, 3D art Level design

Daniel Neshyba-Rowe: Programming, Level Design, bugsquashing

Julia Scott: Original Score and sound design


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Awesome game! Great puzzles and difficulty progression. Definitely gave me a couple of AHA-moments. One thing I would add is a sound cue for the moving platforms, indicating when they are in position. Keep it up!

Thanks! Yeah sounds for platforms was definitely on our radar, but we didn't end up having time for it. A future improvement for sure.